Concepts seeking Entrepreneurs! You in?
DIDYOU is interested in developing a service of disposable numbers, except we are innovating the way people can use the number securely and feature rich so that they retain privacy. Our DIDs are simply Local Telephone Numbers we mask and forward to our mobile app or your real Number. We think people will use this new DID to share with potential dating websites, online forms and more where your only mobile or home line should remain confidential.
DidYou? Concepts!
- DidYou Domains number in the hundreds!
- Act?, Believe?, Buy?, Call?, Cater?, Cheat?, Cook?,
- Create?, Dance?, Date?, Die?, Dine?, Divorce?,
- Drive?, Eat?, Graduate?, Heal?, HookUp?, Invest?
- Kiss?, Learn?, Listen?, Live?, Love?, Marry?, Model?
- Network?, Party?, Play?, Quit?, Read?, Score?, Sell?
- Shop?, Smell?, Socialize?, Study?, Talk?, Taste?, Think?
- Travel?, Vote?, Watch?, Wear?, Work?, Write?,
- Give?, Laugh?, Pay?, Radio?, Sing?, Test? and more